This rarely encountered Us M1832 Foot Artillery soldier's sword is maker-marked by Nathan Ames and dated 1835. Hilt is marked by the Ordnance Department inspector's initials, H.K.C. - Henry Knox Craig and J.M. - Justin Murphy, as well as ORD, which stands for the Ordnance Department. Blade is the standard 19", and shows signs of period sharpening. Scabbard is now in two sections, with a quarter-sized piece of leather missing on the back portion. Seam stitching have given way. Remnant of the original leather frog remains on the scabbard throat. Interestingly, the cross-guard is punch-engraved with abbreviation I wasn't able to decipher, it looks like JMPK. If deciphered, this may lead to a much more precise provenance for this sword.
This rarely seen American sword dates to the period of the Second Seminole War, and shows a nice uniform patina.