This child's kindjal, done in the style of the Model 1840 Russian Imperial Army Officer's Kinjal of the Black Sea Cossacks, dates to the mid-19th century, and comes from a a family of a hero of the Crimean War, General Pavel Liprandi, who commanded one of the divisions in Balaklava, and witnessed the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade. Kindjal is accompanied by the original letter of provenance from the descendant of the general, Victor de Spiganovicz, dated October 15th, 1956. de Spiganovicz resided in Scotland, was an architect and a friend of Lord Baden-Powell. In addition to being the descendant of the famous Russian general, Victor de Spiganovicz is also cradited for the founding of the Scouting movement in Scotland. A philanthropist, he donated generously to the British war effort during both World Wars. Photo-scans of a larger document from the same gentleman, which describes the general's sword for bravery, are also included.