This Persian jarid javelin dates to the 17th-early 18th centuries. The construction is all-steel, which is one of the distinguishing characteristics of the Persian vs. Ottoman jarids. The shaft is hollow, and there is a small object that rolls back and forth inside the shaft, quite possibly a precious stone, placed there for talismanic protection.
This was a military, as well as the sporting weapon, and some Turkish and Persian riders were quite adept in hitting their target from full gallop.
Marsigly describes the jarid bouts at the Court of the Turkish Sultan, where the riders would square off against one another and try to score points by throwing the blunted jarids with the sole intention of hitting the opponent in the head.
The survival rate for the jarids is extremely low, which is understandable, as they were meant to be thrown away, so to speak. The sturdy workmanship of this piece is quite outstanding, centuries-old patina evenly covers the surface of the metal.
This piece is quite similar to the Persian jarid in Anthony Tirri's catalog of his famous collection of Islamic weapons, as well as some examples in Stone's glossary. The measurements are 74 cm and 620 grams, and the balance is perfect, right in the middle of the shaft.