This 18th-mid-19th c. tulwar is mounted with a 74 cm long, 4 cm wide tri-fullered blade still retaining its razor-sharp edge. The obverse ricasso is marked with a maker's or ownership cartouche, the spine of the blade is engraved with Indian numerals, arsenal or perhaps regimental designation, which appear to be ??/44. The iron hilt is wrapped with oiled cloth, the pommel disk isn't present, indicating that the sword was carried by a person with large hands, and the pommel was preventing a tight grasp on the grip. The sword is nicely balanced and was a great slasher in its day. According to the verbal provenance supplied by the previous owner, this tulwar was used in the Indian Mutiny of 1857, and then stored in an arsenal for the the next 150 years. The oiled cloth covering of the hilt may indeed indicate the martial provenance of this expressive sword.