This wonderful Wurttemberger Infanterie Offizier Degen n.m.1889 bears a 78.5 cm long Damaststahl Eisenhauer blade by the famed Voos family of sword-makers, and is marked with the ornate Voos cartouche on the reverse ricasso. The blade is also marked with the cutler's name 'M.Neumann Berlin' on the blade's spine.

An interesting and important feature is the family crest intaglio on the pommel, undoubtedly used by the officer to seal his correspondence. Researching this crest will allow to correctly attribute this sword to a family name, and in turn to a particular officer.

The back of the pommel bears the royal cypher of Karl Friedrich Alexander, König von Württemberg, the King of Wurttemberg, who died in 1891, thus facilitating the correct dating of this sword to 1889-1891. The condition of the sword is outstanding, with some minor plating loss at the point.