
This European jagdplaute, known to the English and the Colonial Americans as a cuttoe, dates ca.1740-1770. Hilt is of high quality cast and hand-chased brass or bronze, decorated in high relief strap-work and floral motifs, all on the stippled background. Blade is 42 cm long, single-edged, with a flat back, and a nice long false edge. Right side of the blade is inscribed with talsimanic or kabbalistic symbols. Left side bears light remnants of decorations which inclide a six-pointed star [Rose of Winds?] along with some designs, which are hard to see. Blade shows signs of period cleanings. The sword is very tight together, and feels very comfortable. This was an expensive piece when originally made; the workmanship of the hilt, and the blade quality are first rate. Short hunting swords like this one were carried not only by wealthy hunters, but also by period naval officers, who were especially fond of pieces like this. Eventually the hunting hangers morphed into the naval dirks.