This wonderful British Royal Navy officer's sword dates to the very late 18th c. - very early 19th c., and was made by the famous London cutler Richard Johnston, as is indicated by the maker-marked scabbard locket.
Sword Cutler &
Belt Maker to his
St.James Street
Richard Johnston established his shop at that address in 1798. Five-ball hilt is elegant, with an extended counter-guard, a nice scrolled ebony grip and a "cigar band" engraved with a beautifully executed fouled anchor. Rapier style blade is 85 cm. long, and retains vestiges of the blued background, and features gold-filled military decorations. Leather scabbard has shrunk over time, and fits the sword very tightly. Care must be executed in removing the sword from the scabbard. Sword is feather-light, lively, with excellent balance.
A wonderful British naval officer's sword dating back to the Battle of the Nile and Trafalgar!