This Georgian senior naval officer's sword dates to the very beginning of 19th century. Hilt is of gilded brass, adorned by a British Lion's head with a mane flowing half way down the back-strap. Grip is wrapped in triple-wound gilded brass twist wire. A heavy fighting quality blade is 73 cm-long and 3.5 cm-wide at the ricasso, with a single wide fuller on each side. White grip indicates that the sword belonged to a senior officer in the Royal Navy, from the Captain up to the Admiral. Blade is heavily engraved in great detail with the military motifs, British Royal Crest and the Royal Cypher of King George III. Back of the blade is engraved with RUNKEL SOLINGEN. John Justus Runkel was the most prolific importer of fine Solingen blades for the British army and navy from around 1784 until his death in 1808.
CONDITION: Hilt is in fine shape, with some gilding rubbed off in the usual places. Grip is excellent shape, and nicely patinated to dark yellow. Gilded twist wire is completely intact. Blade has areas of shallow pitting throughout. Hilt and blade are very tight with each other, with no play at all.