This magnificent sword was presented to Colonel Charles Jefferson Wright in 1890 by the teaching staff and cadets of the New York Military Academy, of which he was the founder and its first president.
Colonel Wright was born in 1839 in Vermont. In 1862 he enlisted into the 16th Regiment of the New Hampshire Volunteers as a private, and progressed to the Lieutenant-Colonel of the Union Army, taking part in the battles of New Orleans, Red River, Port Hudson and the Battle of Wilderness, among others. Notably, he was the first commander of the of the 27th Regiment of the US Colored Troops.
In 1889 he founded the New York Military Academy, a military school which is still operating in Upstate New York, in close vicinity to the US Military Academy at West Point.
The presentation of this sword is documented in the New York Military Academy Quarterly, and copies of other documents relating to Colonel Wright and the sword presentation will be included with the sword.
The presentation of this sword is documented in the New York Military Academy Quarterly, and copies of other documents relating to Colonel Wright and the sword presentation will be included with the sword.
The sword itself is a one-of-a-kind piece, made by the Ridabock & Co., New York. The hilt is magnificent, heavy, hand-chased and gold-washed, with a central medallion representing a mounted knight, symbol of the New York Military Academy. Blade is etched and damascened in great detail, with full presentation address on both sides.
Post-scriptum: New York Military Academy is the school, where the future President Donald J. Trump studied and graduated from, prior to attending the Wharton School of Business.